A Two-Tone Ricky Ricardo Jacket and An Autographed Picture of Andy Devine

Friends, Romans, Countrymen, Loyal Readers......I have returned once again from the mountains bearing many gifts. Well, mostly it is pictures but who is keeping count? I had a great week on Mt. Crystal with a group from Christian Academy of San Antonio. Go Rams!
I would like to share my favorite quote of the week from a camper with all of you. The name has been changed to protect the innocent. When one of the campers suggested that we should turn back from the summit he justified his statement with this nugget of wisdom: "Just think about it, the mountains will be here at least 10 to 20 more years." That my friends is an apocalyptic vision of the world.
I hope all of you enjoy the photos from the week. You can find the first album here and the second album here. I'll be back with more tomorrow.
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