We Climb Two by Two to Be Sure These Days Continue
Congratulations to my father for correctly naming "The Pretender" by Jackson Browne as the Monday Song of the Day.

At the risk of being overly sentimental, Jackson Browne always makes me think of my Dad. Growing up with a music lover like my dad, I was exposed to many different styles and genres of music, but two bands really stand out of the crowd: The Eagles and Jackson Browne. Whennever we would listen to Browne, I could always sense that my father found an interesting connection with the lyrics that Browne wrote.
The opening lines of "The Pretender" always seemed to strike a chord that is often rare between an artist and a listener.
"Im going to rent myself a house, In the shade of the freeway, I'm going to pack my lunch in the morning, and go to work each day, and when the evening rolls around, I'll go on home and lay my body down, and when the morning light comes streaming in, I'll get up and do it again
Amen, Say it again, amen."
At the risk of making assumptions about why my Dad loves this song so much, I instead choose to find joy in what he finds joy in.
"Two Step" DMB
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