We Got to Do Something About Where We're Going
Just a quick post tonight...
Due to my current reading of Collapse, President Bush's statement last night that we are "addicted to oil", stands as an acknowledgement that we might be heading down a slippery slope. Many of the failed societies that Diamond profiles in the book were guilty of the same sin: a dangerous overreliance on a particular natural resource, whether that resource was water, valuable topsoil, trees, edible grasslands, or in the case of the modern world, Texas Tea.

It was no surprise to hear the President advocating the continued push towards other methods of fueling, but this call towards innovation is strangely ironic in the same month as ExxonMobil's announcement of the highest quarterly profits for any corporation in the history of the United States. How do you convince some of the most-powerful corporations in the world, in one of the most lucrative industries in the world, to change their ways?

This is one of the daunting tasks in front of us. If oil companies continue to amass gargantuan profits, it will be very difficult to convince them to either adopt new and innovative methods of fueling or to save some of the oil for those who are to come.
I'm not sure what the answers are to this difficult question, but I have a strong premonition that those answers will have a large effect on the rest of the 21st Century.
Not with free capitalism. I said it. But it's true. Economic incentives (aka taxes) are probably the only way to tell a company who is rolling in money to do something else.
That or more Middle Eastern wars which will cause a lot of problems.
Mr Scott if you go into politics then I am pretty sure both of us will be dealing with the Middle East and fallout from the beginning of the end of the oil era.
What happens in the next 10 years will determine the next 80. Rock the vote haha.
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