Sing Us A Song, A Song to Keep Us Warm
It is odd that I feel compelled to issue some sort of apology for not writing since last Wednesday, but between Sing Song Season being in full effect and a trip to the ATX, my writing has fallen by the wayside.
Congratulations to Ms. Heidi Hipp for correctly naming "Lift" from Flickerstick as the Song of the Day from last Wednesday.
As usual during a trip to Austin, I was able to partake in the divine gift that is Chuy's.

On the way back from Austin yesterday, we had Jon's iPod hooked into the car stereo, which is always a fun opportunity to compose an interesting soundtrack for the drive. There is probably no way to objectively prove this, but Chumbawumba's "Tupthumping" had to be the most annoying song of the entire decade of the 90's, along with being one of the first songs that made me realize how some radio stations must be staffed with people who want to see where our personal breaking points are by replaying said songs. With all of that said, the song is still somehow strangely satisfying, almost like hearing Gilbert Godfried talk. A paradox indeed.
I almost wished that I cared about the Super Bowl this Sunday. Let me try to work up the effort to do it..........nope, it's not happening.
Chuy's isn't that good. Oh, you of East Texas culture. Come to San Antonio and don't eat at a chain restaurant -- that's when you'll have great Tex Mex.
Thanks for that dose of culinary snobbery.
1. Chuy's is that good. I was born in San Antonio. I'm MEXICAN. Chuy's is that good.
2. Thank you, sir, for putting Tubthumping in its place. People always put it on their iMixes and I always projectile vomit all over my laptop as soon as I hear that demon seed of a song coming out of my blown speakers.
1. Chuy's is good. Sorry if that sounds like a betrayal, Sis. Austin has some good Tex Mex.
2. "Tubthumping" is a truly awful song, you're right, but we commit artistic sins in high school that, because of our youth and idiocy, should be pardoned later. Hey, we did the same thing with OMC's "How Bizarre." People actually liked that song. Weird but true.
Also: "Exit Music (For a Film)," Radiohead.
1. Chuy's isn't that good. What do Mexicans know, anyways?
2. "How Bizarre" was awesome.
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