Drinkers and Jokers, All Soul Searchers

Here goes.....I don't usually just shoot from the hip in this space. I usually try to think about what I am going to write here before I actually sit down to do it, but that doesn't seem right today.
Today, is one of THOSE DAYS. One of those days where you can't quite put a finger on things, but you are pretty sure that you just want some peace. The crazy thing is, it's not anything huge. It just feels like something's out of whack. The things that usually don't bother you seem to set you on edge, and the things that usually make you laugh simply don't do it.
That little voice in the back of your head tells you that this is life, take it or leave it, so you don't feel too bad, but you just wonder why God had to make these days part of it. Don't get me wrong, I'm not in a deep state of personal despair or existential searching, but I'm simply sitting down and letting the words and feelings of this day pour out. This day, the only day that you or I have.
With that realization, what am I going to do? Am I going to continue to just amble along in this day wondering what else could seem not to align or am I going to head in a different direction? Will I decide to look at what is around me, learn to ignore the numerous things screaming for my attention that will soon pass away, and instead turn toward what really matters?
This is my decision on the only day that I have. Today. The clock is ticking..........
Like you and me, like you and me . . . god Bless Dave.
I can't believe I got beat to the first Dave quote you've posted in a long time. It's hard to beat the Luther version on "The Christmas Song" but the Live at Chicago version is pretty funny where Dave yells about Jesus being a great man who got "screwwwwwed!" Andrew Tuegel
I couldn't have said it better myself... And what is up with this funk anyway?
wow.. thank you. what a funk this has been. that really encouraged me to take a different twist on these days. thanks.
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