Lift Up Your Head, We're Rising With Every Breath
Congratulations to Mr. Jeff McCain for correctly naming "The Christmas Song" by the Dave Matthews Band as the Tuesday Song of the Day. Critics might say that Jeff did not actually provide the name of the song in his response, but he did continue the lyrics to the song in his answer, which demonstrates his knowledge of the correct answer. I wanted to provide my ruling on the matter before a huge brouhaha developed. Actually, I just wanted an opportunity to insert the word "brouhaha" into a post. Thanks for indulging me.

Now, onto other matters. This morning I had the opportunity to speak in Chapel here at ACU. It is never an easy thing to speak in front of 4,000 people who have very broad interests, concerns, and opinions. Coupling that fact with the additionalpoint that these people are attending this Chapel out of compulsion and not necessarily out of the goodness of their heart, makes it an even greater challenge.
Last night, I set my alarm for 8 o'clock this morning, but after waking up at 7, there was no way I was going back to sleep. I attempted to roll over and doze off again, but I've always had a hard time sleeping when big things are on my mind and out in front of me. The night before the first day of school, before a long trip, or any other big event have always been long ones for me. I guess I always make it much larger in my own mind than it is in reality, but this is how it has always been.
As I was walking towards Moody today, I was attempting to focus my mind and thoughts, but I began to get a weird premonition that someone I needed to see before I was going to talk was approaching me. As soon as that thought entered my head, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to see who it was and looked up into the face of Mason Orr.
I'm sure that I caught him a bit off guard when I told him that I somehow knew he was coming, but it was welcome surprise nonetheless. Through my life I have learned that the work of God is "big stuff", but that "big stuff" is usually accomplished through the smallest of means.
Lift.. Flickerstick
So how did Chapel go?
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