So Toss Away Stuff You Don't Need in the End, but Keep What's Important and Know Who's Your Friend
Congrats to Ashley Mize for correctly naming "Pot Kettle Black" by Wilco as the Sunday Song of the Day.
"Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that all was vanity; but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men for they may act their dream with open eyes and make it possible."
T.E. Lawrence

I have this dream sometimes. In this dream, I am running. I'm not really sure if I'm running away from something or if I'm running towards something, but I know that I feel free. In this dream, my calves never ache, my lungs are full of life-giving air, and I can go forever. Well, at least until I wake up....
The landscapes change from time to time. Sometimes I'm running along the beach Chariots of Fire style and other times I am running along the very spine of the mountains like Mel Gibson in Braveheart. It doesn't really seem to matter where I am running, because it's not really about what's going on the outside, but what I feel in my heart and what my head tells me. That's really what life is about isn't it? Knowing that if you are at peace with yourself and God, the whole world can be going crazy but you still know who you are. It's hard to be a philosopher right now though because I'm still running...
The more I think about it, I'm running towards something. The reason that I reach this conclusion is because I feel no fear as I run. Nothing is pursuing me. Not the tangible wolves and sirens of this world. Not the intangible fear and doubt that sometimes seems so pervasive in this world. Like I said before, the overwhelming sense is one of freedom.
I'm not worried about how fast I'm going or if anyone is going to pass me, because right now it's not about anyone else or any conception of time. It's about the simple joy of movement. The thankfulness that comes from knowing that I have a gift that could be taken from me any moment, but the lessons that I have learned from this gift will stick with me for much longer.
I'm not looking for any interpretations of this dream from anyone, because I don't really want to understand it.
I have this dream sometimes. In this dream, I am running....
I really liked this post. I don't know what to say about it but there you go.
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