Monday, December 26, 2005

Get On Our Knees and Pray

I hope everyone out there had a very Merry Christmas and maybe this holiday season we can put all of our strife behind us and really try to practice this whole "Goodwill towards Men" thing. Just a thought.

In that spirit, be expecting a little awards announcement later in the week for the year that has been in 2005. There will be a myriad of categories, so don't forget to get dressed up and look your best for the ceremony. It could be your lucky day. Also, please keep your acceptance speeches under 3 minutes, just so you will not have to be embarrassed by the house band beginning to play the transition music for the next award while you are still speaking. It's just not fair to everyone else and I won't accept it.

As I was looking through the NY Times Magazine "Year in Review" edition, I did not see any mention of Missy Scott in the notable deaths of 2005. She was our family dog. We had to put her to sleep today. The long sleep if you get my drift, but I digress. Nonetheless, here is their feature on notable figures who left us in 2005.

You will notice that the feature does not only focus on the most famous names, but instead chooses to spend its time looking into the lives of those who may not have spent as much time in the public eye, but made some sort of impact on the world that you and I live in today.


At 5:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

God Rest Tony the Tiger . . . He was grrrrrreeeeeaaaaattt!


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