Wednesday, November 9, 2005

And My Affection, Well It Comes and Goes

Please read David Batstone's article from the latest issue of Sojourner's online newsletter "Sojo Mail." I have written before (check the February 11th post) about my problems with U.S. policies relating to torture, and I cannot believe that the White House is persisting in their struggle to incorporate novel ways of torture against enemy combatants.
When someone like John McCain, who has personal scars (both literal and figurative) from torture experienced as a P.O.W. in Vietnam, comes out in favor of the cessation of policies advocating torture, that should be a strong sign where the policy decision should fall. We'll see where this goes , but right now it is not looking good.

In other news, a valiant group of Gamma Sigs rode their bicycles to Buns over Texas for dinner last night. You can find full photo documentation here. I would like to share some of my favorite shots with you in this space though. I hope you enjoy:
A man ready for flight on a bicycle.

Ready to ride off into the Sunset

I made some book purchases on yesterday, and those were:
Have a great Wednesday everyone!


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