Tuesday, July 19, 2005

I Know You, You Will Still Cry and My Heart Will Break, Visions of You Will Fade Away, My Faith in You, It's You I'm Praying For

A very happy 21st birthday to Kristen Eastland, as well as Brad and Bryan Baker.

Last night a few of us were sitting around talking about the Jon Krakauer book that I am reading when someone brought up Aron Ralston. Garrett didn't actually say his name, but he mentioned "that guy who was trapped in the canyon and had to cut his arm off." I went into my room, grabbed my copy of "Between a Rock and a Hard Place" and Lance, Jordan, Garrett, and I had an interesting time looking at the photos and talking about what we would do if we were in that sort of situation.

I honestly have no idea what I would do until I was in that type of situation. I bet if you talked with Ralston before he went down into the canyon, he could not even fathom doing what he did only 6 days later. Until we are in situations that stretch us to our limits, we have no idea of the lengths that we will go to for survival. We also talked about the Uruguayan Rugby team that was stranded in the Andes Mountains after their plane crashed. Some of the team members ultimately were forced to eat the flesh of their dead teammates simply to have some sort of sustenance. Garrett wondered if we would be able to do that in that type of situation, but I could not answer him, because I will have no idea until I am there.

I know that I have an inclination towards self-preservation. That is obvious in each of our lives. It is easy to say that I would do all manner of things in order to survive, but until those incredibly tough decisions are staring me in the face, I cannot answer definitively that I would go one way or the other.


At 4:09 PM, Blogger Justin said...

Look at the post I just finished Dave.

At 10:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Friend!
Thanks for the birthday greeting!


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