I'm So High With You I Can Survive
We just arrived at the 'Burgh from a great weekend down at Lake Buchanan. You cannot beat great friends (Heather, Lance, Kayla, Brandon, Bethany, and Ashley), great weather, and good food. Each time I go down to the Hill Country, I become more convinced that I want to live there one day. I could definitely see myself living in Austin one day.
Current Listening: "X and Y" by Coldplay.
At the lake there is one section where Fall Creek pours over the edge of cliffs that are carved into the side of the hills. The resulting waterfalls are approximately 50 feet tall and are perfect for jumping off of into the cove below. I think one of the most enjoyable parts about the entire experience at the waterfalls was the hike that we made just to get to them. Once you hike around to the top of the Falls you stand looking down at all of the boats that come to anchor in the cove and look at the waterfalls. Once you are up there, you are always nervous, but there is no way that you would ever turn back with all of those people watching you.
You begin to run, through the waterfall itself, and launch out into the air which now seems impossibly huge. The water of the cove explodes into your field of vision. It is all you can see and it is rising to meet you incredibly quickly. You flail your arms in an attempt to right yourself for the best possible landing. Time seems to slow down and you know what it means to be alive. Every sense is heightened and life is oh so precious. As you enter the water, you remember that your flame has not been extinguished. You are born again. You come up to the cheers and yells of those assembled in the cove and wonder how quickly you can go up to do it again.
Thanks for takin care of my girl. She said y'all had a fabulous weekend, and that she has video of you jumping off that cliff. haha! can't wait to see that one! :)
Scotty J-
This is a public service announcement.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Summer is here which means activities and humidity. Remember to stay hydrated. Water is your best bet. If you are being active, make sure you have a sport drink by to replenish electrolytes. Your life is at stake, don't you care.
Provided by: Cole Griff for Pope Committee
Cliff jumping is for white people man. You are nutso.
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