It's a Long Road We've Been Walking On
I love the days when I just run against the darkness. There is no one to run with, pass, or chase but myself. I run faster because I know I can. I run faster because some pain is good. I run faster because anything less would be a cheapening of God's gift of youth.
Current Listening: "Rubber Soul" by The Beatles.
One of my favorite portions of running is the solitary aspect of training. It teaches me to steel my mind in the face of stiff headwind, to press on through miles that no one else is counting, and to remember that each footstep can teach me something. The question is: Am I listening?
Scotty J-
besides the fact that plastic makes all things possible, i have come to the realization that for me to become the pope i need to have my own blog. from now on, i'm gonna start writing my own blog on your comments(annonymous, please comment on mine too) 1
currently reading: Catechism of the Catholic Church
currently listening to: Billy Graham Classics, volume 4
As I layed in bed last night, I kept asking myself what it takes to become the next pope. The days of running, lifting weights, drinking protein shakes are now inefficient to what I want to become. I must take it to a higher level. A higher level that contains daily time of sitting on the "throne to get rid of the waste in my life", "fighting the constant battle against hand germs", and never watching television again. Until I make this commitment, my goal in life has no chance of ever becoming real.
Cole Griff
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