Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Welcome to Existence

Today has been a long day. It began at midnight with some general tomfoolery, and ended here at my home, sweet home. The dreaded Spanish presentation was completed today to what I think are satisfactory results. I actually felt physically ill when I began to think about preparing for it, and let me tell you, that was a bit unnerving. Katie and I had a great ride back together and it is good to be home without anything hanging over my head.

It always seems that when I come back here, things have moved at a much slower pace while I have been gone. It is almost as if time stops here while I am gone, and resumes once I return.

We will be heading down to my Aunt and Uncle's in Waco tomorrow so blog posts might have to wait until Thursday or Friday. I hope that everyone out there has a great Thanksgiving and finds themself at a table with family and friends.


At 10:39 AM, Blogger Sarah said...

My guess is "Dare you to Move" by Switchfoot. Good stuff. Have a great Thanksgiving!


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