Thursday, November 18, 2004

You've Been Givin' Me That Line So Many Times/It Kinda Gets That Feelin' Bad Looks Good

It is a good thing that college football is still going on, because otherwise I would be entering a sports blackout period. I rarely if ever watch the NBA anymore, except around the playoffs, and even that is a rare occurrence. The only NFL broadcast that I care about is the Super Bowl, and let's just say that Hockey is a mere blip on the sports radar screen.

School is going very well at this point in the semester, and the workload has been very manageable. We have a test today in Early Political Theory, so if anyone wants to talk about the political philosophy of St. Augustine or Thomas Aquinas, just come by UP #1015, and we can chat.

This class has torn down some of my past thought structures, and enabled me to look at my future plans and aspirations in a new light. In the past, when I spoke of career plans, I always said I planned to go to law school, but in the back of my mind I secretly hoped that I could teach one day. As I began speaking with Dr. Hailey about possible graduate schools and degrees in political science, my mind was inundated with actual joy and anticipation on that path. I really believe that could be a job that I would go to everyday, and feel like I am passing on something of myself and my limited knowledge to those around me. If I were able to live in a community of learning with people who eagerly sought after knowledge, my work would never feel like a job.

In Closing: Who wants to contribute to the Justin vs. Mt. Kilimanjaro fund? Every little bit helps.


At 9:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

YESSSSS! You gotta love the Aerosmith. It's the Crazy part of your favorite Crymazin'. Whew.


P.S. Katrina, don't stop playing! We have to keep our connections any darn way we know how


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