Because We Separate Like Ripples on a Blank Shore
Congratulations to Mr. John Middleton for correctly naming "Money for Nothing" by Dire Straits as the Thursday Song of the Day.
As I was typing the name "Dire Straits", I wasn't sure if it was just "Dire Straits" or "THE Dire Straits." This is the problem that has been created by one person, The Edge (a.k.a. David Evans) of U2.

"Hello Bono, hello Adam, hello Larry, hello...THE...Edge."
"No, it's just Edge. No "the" in front of Edge."
"Oh, sorry. I thought you were the only Edge, not one Edge among many. You should really think about cornering that market on edges. People are going to start confusing you with that Anthony Hopkins/Alec Baldwin movie from 1997."
"Okay, I'll look into that. Thanks."

Labels: Alec Baldwin, Anthony Hopkins, Charles Gasparino, current reading, Dire Straits, Richard Grasso, The Edge, U2
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