Thursday, December 11, 2008

To Bear the Weight and Push Into the Sky

Here is the great dilemma, my friends...

As a political conservative who still believes in small, yet energetic, government despite the disturbing largesse of the Republican party in the past eight years, I have a distinct problem with governmental bodies sticking their noses into issues where their oversight is not necessary or welcome.

At the same time, I am a devoted fan of the wonderful world of college football, and the canker-sore that is Bowl Championship Series constantly grates on my joy, my sanity, and my devotion throughout Saturday afternoons and evenings in the fall/winter.

This contradiction comes to a troubling head in the following piece of legislation:

U.S. Representative Joe Barton of the Lone Star State's Sixth Congressional District has sponsored a bill that...

"will prohibit the marketing, promotion, and advertising of a postseason game as a 'national championship' football game, unless it is the result of a playoff system. Violations of the prohibition will be treated as violations of the Federal Trade Commission Act as an unfair or deceptive act or practice."

It might be convenient for cynics to assert that Barton is simply kow-towing to pressure from the Longhorn electorate in his district, but the man is an Aggie. If he's sponsoring this bill, I don't think it's out of any desire to heal wounds for folks down in Austin but out of his greater obligation to a tortured college football fanbase.

I'm not sure how much success the bill will have on its journey through the labyrinth that is the American legislative process, but perhaps Rep. Barton should take some tips from a reputable source:

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At 8:50 PM, Blogger Jeremy Masten said...

I'm afraid I don't know the song of the day, and my pride won't let me google it. So instead I'll share my little theory.

Why not take the six highest ranked conference champions and two wild cards? Then you could do a best-of-eight playoff. (The number six comes from my understanding that there are six "important" conferences in college football.)

Eh? Eh??


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