Friday, July 11, 2008

We Forgot All the Names That, The Names We Used To Know

As if the world were not bleak enough with the Reverend Jesse Jackson threatening to castrate Barack Obama, the Sports Guy going on a ten-week hiatus, Iran firing off missiles as if it were the wayward teenager at the family 4th of July picnic, and Brett Favre splitting in a not-so-amicable fashion from Green Bay, this picture had to pop up on one of my favorite blogs.
In a moment of feverish reflection (probably an oxymoron), I sought to determine where things became so discombobulated. Was it not enough that this man must carry the scourge of 'N Sync membership around for the rest of his life? What about the fact that he introduced that convenient euphemism "wardrobe malfunction" to the American public? Also, the fact that he once dated the most insane woman this side of Eva Braun cannot be ignored.

As if all that were not enough, the man must torture, I repeat TORTURE, himself by cheering for the English Evil Empire, that malevolent entity known as Manchester United Football Club. Shame on you, Mr. Timberlake. I hope your next album has lower performance numbers than Gigli.

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