Come On Sweet Catastrophe
I don't think McMurry is going to like this decision one bit.
The NY Times had an interesting editorial today on the amazing growth of the phenomenon that you are taking part in right now by reading this blog. I'm not really sure why I find such joy in writing here each day. Perhaps I am experiencing one of the most positive aspects of technological innovation in being connected to friends and family across the nation and across the world. Instead of allowing technology to insulate me from those that I care about, it allows me to share part of my life and thoughts with them.
I frequently discuss the topics that I write about with those that I come into contact with each day, and I think I am able to communicate with them in a stronger manner because I have taken the time to transfer my thoughts from the often nebulous region of my own psyche to a format where they are hopefully well organized and articulated.
With all of that said, I have a very sad story to close this post. All of that money that you spent on Thin Mints and Tag-Alongs may not actually be going to send those cute young Girl Scouts into the Great Outdoors. Find out the truth here.
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