We Could Kill Some Time, Shoot the Breeze
In an effort to show that this blog is not a completely solipsistic venture, I'm running a little poll to find out what you, my beloved readership, think about a topic which is quite close to my heart as of late.
Over the past few weeks, I've been re-watching Arrested Development and pretending as though I was actually cool enough to have watched the show while it was on Fox. Yes, that's right. I'm not vain enough to lie to you by fabricating some scenario where I actually watched the show during its three-year run. Those who claim they watched Arrested Development during its run are a blessed lot, but I'm a bit suspicious that those who claimed to have watched the show are the equivalent of the untold millions who subsequently claimed that they were at Woodstock.
With that said, the aforementioned poll concerns everyone's favorite character from the show. I know it is quite difficult, but you may only choose one. Otherwise, in the words of Judge Smails from Caddyshack, "You will get nothing...and like it!"

Over the past few weeks, I've been re-watching Arrested Development and pretending as though I was actually cool enough to have watched the show while it was on Fox. Yes, that's right. I'm not vain enough to lie to you by fabricating some scenario where I actually watched the show during its three-year run. Those who claim they watched Arrested Development during its run are a blessed lot, but I'm a bit suspicious that those who claimed to have watched the show are the equivalent of the untold millions who subsequently claimed that they were at Woodstock.
With that said, the aforementioned poll concerns everyone's favorite character from the show. I know it is quite difficult, but you may only choose one. Otherwise, in the words of Judge Smails from Caddyshack, "You will get nothing...and like it!"

Without further ado, your choices:
- Michael Bluth
- Buster Bluth
- George Oscar Bluth II, "G.O.B."
- Lindsay Bluth Funke
- George Michael Bluth
- Maeby Funke
- Tobias Funke
- Lucille Bluth
- George Bluth Sr.
- Barry Zuckerkorn
- Bob Loblaw
- Stan Sitwell
- Lucille Austero
- Ann Veal
- Hel-loh "Annyong" Bluth
- Carl Weathers
- Gene Parmesan
- Wayne Jarvis
- Oscar Bluth
- Mrs. Featherbottom
- Write in Candidate of Your Choice
Them's the choices, folks. Feel free to supplement your vote with a clip that represents the essence of your character of choice.
My pick? I'm going with Tobias. There's comedy, there's high comedy, there's transcendent comedy, and then there's Tobias announcing the FIRE...sale.
My pick? I'm going with Tobias. There's comedy, there's high comedy, there's transcendent comedy, and then there's Tobias announcing the FIRE...sale.
Labels: Arrested Development
George Michael. He was so wonderfully dorky and anxious all the time.
I watched Arrested Development on Fox. You know I did. It's me, buddy. Be real.
How was Austin? What kind of hiking shoes should I get?
Gob a thousand times.
Gob and Tobias... i cannot choose
"Oh, I see, you're voting for the bald guy instead of me...COME ON!!!"
Buster, hands down.
You, of all people, would have watched "Arrested Development" during its original run. After all, you were the person who directed me to the television gold that was the first season of "The O.C."
George Michael. Pure comedy gold. I could just as easily have gone with GOB, Buster or Tobias though.
Never watched it until DVD, but thanks to Dave Sessions I've never looked back. I still TiVo it every week when it comes on G4 to ensure I've got a good rotation going. I'm really hopeful that the movie will actually come to pass.
I've never seen this show but I have heard of it. It seems you've found a popular subject with your readership. What I'm impressed by though is the way law school has expanded your vocabulary ... "solipsistic- an adjective relating to extreme egocentrism". Money well spent! Mom
I don't think "solipsistic" gets thrown around much in ol' Whitehouse.
Steve Holt! Also, the song of the day is "Save Me" by Dave Matthews.
"Steve Holt...is a bastard."
C'mon People, Buster is magical!
(God Bless The OC)
Gob...the chicken dance was one of the best running jokes on the show.
though picking just one was extremely difficult, i'm going to throw a curve-ball... i vote lucille... (lucille #1 that is)
"i love all my children equally!"
[earlier that day]: "i don't care much for Gob."
great show!
Here are the current standings:
George Michael--2
Steve Holt--1
Lucille Bluth--1
Unless there are Buster/George Michael fans out there who have yet to speak, it looks like G.O.B. is bringing home the title.
Michael - "...and Buster, can you do that outside buddy?"
Buster - "Mom says it's too windy."
Buster it is
And with Cody's vote, the win goes to the one, the only, Buster Bluth.
I'm thrilled to leave lucky comment #18.
"My older brother wasn't optimistic it could be done; but I didn't take 'wasn't optimistic it could be done' for an answer."
GOB in '12.
Do you not see what you have done, good sir?
You've swung the balance of power back to GOB after Buster was declared the victor. I guess it's only fitting that GOB would do such a thing to Buster.
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