Like You Reached Right Into My Head and Turned on the Light Inside
Somehow, simply by posting this article, I'm fulfilling Brian Stelter's prophecy.
No idea what I'm talking about? Keep reading.
“There are lots of times where I’ll read an interesting story online and send the U.R.L. to 10 friends,” said Lauren Wolfe, 25, the president of College Democrats of America. “I’d rather read an e-mail from a friend with an attached story than search through a newspaper to find the story.”
In one sense, this social filter is simply a technological version of the oldest tool in politics: word of mouth. Jane Buckingham, the founder of the Intelligence Group, a market research company, said the “social media generation” was comfortable being in constant communication with others, so recommendations from friends or text messages from a campaign — information that is shared, but not sought — were perceived as natural.
Ms. Buckingham recalled conducting a focus group where one of her subjects, a college student, said, “If the news is that important, it will find me.”
Also, something that is sure to drive my Dad crazy...the Facebook/My Space friend stats for the various candidates (also found in the Stelter piece):- Barack Obama-1,000,000 (combined)
- Hillary Rodham Clinton- 330,000 (combined)
- John McCain- 140,000 (combined)

Labels: 2008 Presidential Election, Barack Obama, Hillary Rodham Clinton, John McCain, New York Times
Wait, you're telling me that John McCain is running for President?!
I always thought Jeff would be the first McCain in office.
Too true, Lukas. Honestly, I blame it on those six years were John was a bit "tied up". Granted, Jeff was not alive at that point, but come on John, pick up the pace.
David Gray! Greatness, there.
Call me crazy, but despite my like for the guy, I think McCain is Bob Dole part deux.
That sound you just heard was the members of the Republican National Committee finding the nearest tall building where they could engage in a little parachute-free skydiving.
Not that any members of the RNC read this blog or anything.
Oh, Man!
That was one lyric I knew and someone got it first! But I know the song too. :)
David Gray - Be Mine.
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