Friday, March 14, 2008

Laughing Out Loud Makes It All Subside

Perhaps I'm far behind on this, but those catchy Apple commercials have this maddening, yet enjoyable, way of working into your head so that you find yourself humming the tune even though you have no idea who sings the song or if you wish that Steve Jobs would die of leprosy. Not that I wish that Steve Jobs would die of leprosy or anything.

Let's just move on.

After repeated viewings of the commercial for the new Mac Airbook, I did a little investigating and found out that the song accompanying the commercial is called "New Soul" by Yael Naim.

The P.C. v. Mac debate rages on like Celtics-Lakers in the 80's, automatic vs. stick-shift, pepperoni vs. sausage, and Seinfeld vs. Friends, but in the land of marketing, it seems that Apple reigns supreme.

P.S. Don't tell Cody Girod about that last sentence.

P.P.S. My Dad's impromptu mocking of "New Soul" last night after the commercial aired will not be short-listed for inclusion in Apple's next marketing campaign. I realize that Apple promotes itself as a self-aware brand willing to mock itself, but no one wants to see this kind of destruction.

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At 7:36 PM, Blogger Tim Henderson said...

People always mock what they do not understand


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