Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Where'd You Park the Car?

At the beginning of the post, I should take the time to apologize to those of you who live outside of the "bubble" and have no idea what I am talking about when I say the words "Sing Song." In fact, I apologize because if I took the time to actually explain it to you in sufficient detail, you probably still would not be interested in the subject matter and I would have deprived you of a small portion of your life, which is ebbing away right now...tick, tick, tick.

If you're still reading, and I have no idea why you would be after that stirring exposition, here is my $.02 on Sing Song 2008.

Of course, everyone left Moody on Saturday night talking about how the 6-time reigning champions had been dethroned in both the men's and women's divisions by the Kojie Bumblebess and the evil empire's train conductors, but as someone whose time in Sing Song is past, I'll tell you this: It's almost more difficult to watch as a spectator, than it was to be involved as a competitor/participant (sure, I could use the more gentle, affirming term "participant" solely, but in anything that involved a contest with the moonies, it was nothing if not a competition).

Sure, my time standing on the stage is gone, and that's a good thing, but a small part of me still hurts for the guys in club that had to be there when the dream died. Those that I talked to on Saturday night kept saying that the streak had to end sometime, but you never want to be part of the group responsible for such an event. Despite the fact that ACU has the 4th-highest total number of NCAA Championships behind UCLA, USC, and Stanford, the largest bragging rights on the Hill each year belong to those who win the big event in February.

From Huck Finn to the Beatles to Top Gun to John Travolta to Frogs who turn into Princes to Firemen, that group for the past 6 years was the men of Gamma Sigma Phi. Now, that title has been passed (albeit unwillingly) to our bitter archrivals, the evil empire. Wherever you are to read this, take a little time to hum a few bars of "We Believe" in remembrance of a fairly remarkable streak.

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At 11:07 PM, Blogger Ben Grant said...

"Morning Bell" Radiohead - both this post and the previous. My wife and I are going to see them in Atlanta in May. I'm pumped.
-Ben Grant

At 11:10 PM, Blogger Ben Grant said...

I rushed to win the song of the day contest and did not read your post first. I wish I could have been there, even though it was probably awkward when they lost. I just hope they worked hard and enjoyed it. There is always next year boys.
ICB - Ben

At 5:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I watched the diffent performances (albeit on Youtube). You must admit, this year, Galaxy had a better show.
Tim K.

At 7:36 PM, Blogger Justin said...

I will admit no such thing, but, yes, they were pretty good.

At 2:46 AM, Blogger Dan Carlson said...

Like Tim K., whom I don't believe I know, I watched the GSP and Galaxy acts on YouTube. And believe me when I say it sucks that the streak ended, because I was a member of the class that started the 6-year run; I still remember the Huck Finn act from sophomore year better than I remember things I have to do at work every day.

But Galaxy had a better show this year. Better choreography, better blend, and a way better selection of songs that emphasized genuine male harmonies: "All the Gold in California," "Song of the South," and the Beach Boys. It sucks, man, but they just had a tighter act this year.

Fuckin' Moonies.

At 6:18 PM, Blogger Aubrey said...

So J.Scott, I'm sure you won't see this, but I felt the need to comment. I was glad to see all of you get a chance to win, but I have to admit that it was great to see Jesse and his friends win. And it was time. GSP had turned into the Yankees of ACU. Now y'all can go back to normal. Also, it was fantastic seeing you.

At 6:30 PM, Blogger Justin said...


You've cut me deep. The Yankees of ACU? The Yankees???

If there's anything we've found over the years, it's that in the GSP-galaxy feud, it's obvious who's the BoSox and who's the evil empire. Since galaxy won their first Sing Song since 2000 this year, maybe the Yanks can win their first World Series 2000.

Goodness, I hope not.

At 10:40 PM, Blogger Aubrey said...

Oh Justin. I hope the Yankees don't win as well. And you know I love you guys. But seriously, I think when you win that often, and win so often that people start just rooting for anyone else to win, the Yankees comparison is fair.

Whatever, sing song is a crazy thing. No one in DC understands why I went back to Texas.


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