Thinking About Thinking of You, Summertime, I Think It Was June
Congratulations to Mr. Peter Pope for correctly naming "Island in the Sun" by Weezer as the Saturday Song of the Day.
Through a post on Prof. Osler's blog, I came across what could be a first for the old interwebs: Fans providing reviews of a new stadium through a blog.
Here's a description of the "Grounds Crew" blog at the Washington Post site:
Want to know which food stall at the new Nationals ballpark has the best hot dog? How the bathrooms are? Tips for driving, taking the Metro or getting through the gates? This is the place.
Grounds Crew is a blog written by a team of fans who will kick the tires on everything about the new park and its environs. Each Crew member will attend many Nats games and blog on the good, the bad and the ugly about the experience of the new facility.
As fans, you're laying out your hard-earned money to attend Nationals games, and Grounds Crew team members are no different. Think of them as your consumer advocates, but they want and need your help. Through comments on the blog, you can post your own observations, tips, recommendations and insights, and help us get a great conversation going about our new stadium. So visit the blog early and often, and please participate; it's going to be an exciting year!
What baseball aficionado doesn't want to sit near the vendor who yells out "Hotttttttttttttttttttt Dogggggggggggggggggg" in a voice that sounds as though it spent the day mixing concrete?
You want the peanut guy whose arm is so strong that he's actually the backup rightfielder? This blog will show you where to find him.
Do you want to know which section will allow you to throw foreign objects towards the field during the "Running of the Presidents" while still maintaining a certain degree of anonymity and avoiding possible criminal prosecution? The answers can be found at the Grounds Crew blog, my friend.
It's like a Ouija board, ladies and gentlemen, only with less creepy, occult overtones.
Okay, you're right. They're nothing alike.
I just wish the Broncos would have thought of this first. Who wouldn't love to read a blog post on the finer aspects of Mile High Stadium concessions from the Barrel Man?

Labels: Barrel Man, Baseball, Denver Broncos, Washington Nationals, Washington Post
The hot dog guy reference - Surely you're referring to the vendor at the Ballpark in Arlington? I remember hearing that guy at a game nearly a decade ago... Maybe longer.
Of course, that may be the stereotypical "hot dog" call, but your description fit that guy's voice to a T.
That's the guy.
and...he just passed away today. Tim McKernan retired the barrel in 2007 (the Bronos honored him with a halftime tribute) because of failing health. He was a popular figure at their games.
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