You Crave Recognition, but The Key to the City Went Missin'
Every so often in life you have the opportunity to meet amazing people. One of those opportunities in my life was when Gamma Sigma Phi partnered with Mark, Laura, and Matt Phillips to raise money for the Osteogenesis Imperfecta Foundation through our Bike Ride to Pepperdine over Spring Break 2006.
Matt has osteogenesis imperfecta, which is more commonly known as "brittle-bone" disease. When Matt came out to speak to us before we departed from ACU that Friday afternoon, each and every one of us participating in the ride understood exactly why we were going to ride bicycles all the way from Abilene to Malibu in just 3 days.
I had heard rumors that Matt represented Abilene this year at the Scripps-Howard National Spelling Bee, but I had not seen any video footage until now. I know that I post many videos on this blog, but even if you skip all of the Liverpool highlight packages, this is one that deserves your time.

awesome video
thanks for posting that video! what an amazing guy...
your title is from Not For All the Love in the World, by The Thrills. :)
A definite highlight from senior year... without a doubt.
Matt Phillips for your heart out Hillary!
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