Friday, December 10, 2004

It's Only a Quarter to Three, Reflecting Off the OCD

Sometimes it is okay to sit around and do a whole lot of nothing all day long. Today, about the only things that I accomplished were my daily marathon training and finishing "First Among Equals" by Kenneth Starr. It seems that during the semester these kind of days are few and far between. Even on those lazy Saturdays when college football attempts to deprive all ambition for study, I know that work is still to be done in some classes.

One of the best things about college is the long break between semesters, but it has become increasingly difficult. As each year passes that I am at college, I have become less attached to this place. I love my parents, and enjoy coming back here, but this is not where my life is any more. My life is somewhere else, but even that is a place where I am staying temporarily. This is such an interesting time in life where you go away from your family and your friends become your family for a very important time of development and self discovery.

I guess I am longing for a place whose name I don't even know yet. A place where I can set down roots and build a life of my own. Maybe this is the longing that we are supposed to have for Heaven. We like where we currently are, but there is this odd, innate feeling that something else that we cannot entirely understand is out there. That is what I have been thinking about today as I come back to the place I call my home.


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