Wednesday, December 5, 2007

You Can Break All the Rules

I realize that the 2008 general election date is about 11 months away, but the website for the Washington Post has a feature that I found very helpful. The program features statements from the presidential candidates on 25 different issues (immigration, terrorism, social security, civil unions, etc.) and allows you to choose the statement that you most strongly agree with on a given issue, but the caveat is that the identity of the candidate who made that statement is not revealed.

In the Republican rundown, my point totals were as follows:
  1. Mitt Romney: 8 pts.

  2. Rudy Giuliani: 6 pts.

  3. Mike Huckabee: 4 pts.

  4. Fred Thompson: 4 pts.

  5. John McCain: 2 pts.

  6. Ron Paul: 1 pt.

That, my friends, is the tale of the tape as of Wednesday, December 5, 2007. Feel free to take the quiz and post your results in the comments section.



At 11:57 AM, Blogger Prosso said...

I got a three way tie between Romney, Huckabee, and Paul.

At 12:55 PM, Blogger Luke Reeves said...

It's the end of the world as we know it. Not the R.E.M. song; just a general sentiment as I look over the entire pool of candidates.

At 3:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I took the whole thing:
Romney - 31
Thompson - 21
Giuliani - 21
Others - 17 total

At 7:28 PM, Blogger Yee said...

This test depressed me, because they all said the same thing and because I really don't like any of them on either side. The word of the day, kids, is pandering. But what depressed me most was my results, which just prove I will never be able to vote for someone who has a chance:

Chris Dodd - 9 pts
Barack Obama - 9 pts (I was surprised too)
Hillary Clinton - 17 pts
Bill Richardson - 25 pts
John Edwards - 46 pts

Holy crap. Well, I guess I hate Edwards the least. But apparently he has a way of phrasing things that I find more appealing than the others. I often chose the answers that were concrete, that had actual substance. Serves me right.

~Yee the Cynic

At 8:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ron paul off to a commanding lead! 46 points. although there were a number of questions I really didn't like any answer

At 9:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I ended up with Romney in the lead, then Rudy and Huckabee. There wasn't much difference between some of the answers so it was hard to make a choice.... interesting way to evaluate candiadates though. Mom

At 11:53 AM, Blogger Jeremy Masten said...

Who'd have connected Mikearoni with Ron Paul?

Go Yankee Ticket!

At 1:15 PM, Blogger lance said...

yeesh, this is depressing. As far as the Democrats go, i had Edwards in the lead with, gulp, Hillary a close second. I did part of the Republicans and had Huckabee taking the early lead. Whouda thunk? 2008 has the makings of a very dissapointing election.


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