Monday, December 3, 2007

I Could Solve Some Mysteries Too

In a culture that has grown accustomed to those that we refer to as "celebrities" appearing in the news for less than stellar reasons, it is refreshing to see one such celebrity using his fame for the greater good. Today in New Orleans, Brad Pitt presented designs from 13 architects around the country that will serve as the foundation for the Make It Right Project, which serves to build and finance affordable, environmentally-efficient housing in the city's 9th Ward.
It might be easy to dismiss Pitt's involvement in the project as mere posturing based on the charitable work of his significant other, but what is not so easy to dismiss is his commitment of $5 million dollars towards the project. Currently, the project only has funding for 5 of the 150 homes that it seeks to build over the next two years, but something tells that Pitt might be able to round up the surviving remnant of Project Mayhem to engage in a bit of not so subtle fundraising persuasion.

I think I'm beginning to understand why my sister really went into interior design.

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At 5:56 PM, Blogger Sammie said...

haha, my sister is about to graduate with a degree in interior design, but she HATES it. I'm really glad to hear that, though. It's encouraging!

At 6:29 PM, Blogger Luke Reeves said...

I know the Austin chapter president of Project Mayhem, Joey "Prosso" Halbert will be on board.


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